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Woodlings - Guardians of the Woods • 2019 rpg

André Tavares • |

* The wood are in danger. They are being corrupted by trash. The Woodlings will protect them.

#Before playing
* Go take a walk in the nearby woods. 
* Collect nature materials you find interesting (rocks, leaves, sticks), at least 6 per player.
* Safely take every piece of trash you encounter and put it on a trash bin.

#Set Up
* Present every material you have collected and spread them randomly. 
* Create your Woodling by picking 6 and putting them together.
* Announce their name and title.

* Pick everything within your reach that could potentially be trash. Each object will be a threat. 
* The player with the weirdest Woodling starts first by choosing one threat and presenting the scene, then asking "Who will deal with it?"
* The first player that answers describes our their Woodling defeats such threat. The Woodling is corrupted and changes one of their materials with the threat's object.
* That players now chooses another threat and the process is repeated. 
* A player can't deal with another threat if there are players that did not played this round yet. 
* The game ends when all threats have been defeated or if all Woodlings have been corrupted. 

Author Comments

Thank you to my friend and colleague Carlos Martins, the awesome rpg community and hopefully someone plays Woodlings and helps the woods in the process <3 An expanded version of this entry will be available in the future at

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