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Three wishes • 2019 rpg

anna aglietti • no link

Player 1 "Eretic" : you are a condemned waiting for execution. 

Pick a historical or fictional background and describe yourself and the scene. 

Player 2 "Demon": you are a demon of sorts. 

Appear to Player 1 and offer to grant 3 wishes. You are going to have fun with that. 

Roleplay the scene.

Player 1: write 3 wishes, using 6 or less words for each wish.

3 WISHES RULE (is known to Player 1 before they write):

1 wish will be granted and narrated by the Demon starting with: YES, AND... 

1 wish will be granted and narrated by the Demon starting with: YES, BUT...

1 wish will be granted and narrated by the Demon starting with: WELL, ALMOST, BUT NOT REALLY, BECAUSE...

Then Player 1: narrate a conclusion and call the demon to grant a Last Wish. 

Write the Last Wish down using 9 or less words. 

LAST WISH RULE (is known to Player 1 before they write):

The demon will turn 1 word of the Last Wish in that word's opposite. 

Then she (grinningly) grants it. 

Roleplay the end.

(Does that word have an opposite? Is that the real opposite? If there's a discussion, it's part of the game.)

Author Comments

this game comes from a deep love of fairy-tales and words. thanks for playtesting to Lorenzo Trenti, Osiride Cascioli, Lapo Luchini.

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