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The Unspeakable Wisdom • 2019 rpg

Daniele Fusetto •

Take tokens, this game, post-its, 6 friends.


Go to a library. As you enter-- be quiet! 
You are in 1988. No internet, no computers.

This rules are the Dead Scrolls, written in a complex eldritch language. You were asked to translate them.


Each of you is an eminence in 2 disciplinary different fields: physics, literature, biology... Get a token for each fringe discipline you choose. 

You cannot talk to each other since you live in different countries. To translate, ask yourself something about the Story/Rules, then read books of your fields. When you find the same noun/verb in 7 different books, write it on a post-it: that's a piece of the translation. 

Send letters to the other researchers; if someone replays to you and guesses one of your words, get a token. 

If you speak/write one of your words, lose a token; with none, you lose your mind. 

The first to reach 7 words/tokens reunite all players and get help on the translation: mix up the post-it to create a phrase. Anyone may spend a token to add 3 to 5 new words. 
Use the phrase to expand the Story/the Rules.

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