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Suitimon Adventures • 2019 rpg

Asix •

You and up to three friends are Suitors on an adventure to be the very best. To win game suitor must win a challenge (as challenger) with at least 30 experience points (exp). You can only have up to 35 exp and up to three captured suitimons. When deck is exhausted reshuffle the discard.

Type Chart:
Strong to>That

To attack draw two cards, add values (face cards are five), and then modifiers: Plus two for each card strong against target. Minus two if weak. You may replace an attack card with a captured suitimon.

Suitors take one action per turn:

*Encounter a wild suitimon (draw a card) and do one of the following:

**Battle it by preforming an attack of at least ten to win exp in the amount of suitimon's value, otherwise you lose the exp. Must have a suitimon to battle.

**Capture it by drawing a card whose suit is not weak against suitimon. If card is weak you lose five exp.

*Challenge a suitor and bet five to ten exp. Suitors chooses a captured suitimon for the other to battle. Highest attack value wins the exp. Loser discards their suitimon.

Author Comments

I’d like to thank my wife for helping me play test my entry! She is the greatest and I love her to death. I can do what I do only because of her support.

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