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Pogs! • 2019 rpg

Forest Puha •

You're playing pogs! This game is best played with another person, though anyone can join in whenever they want. 

Your friend has 100 pogs and you have 100 pogs. Your job is to collect all your friend's pogs, and your friend has to collect all your pogs. 

Roll one (1) 20-sided die. 

If the die lands on numbers 1 through 20: collect that many pogs from your neighbor and add to your pile. If the die lands on zero (0), collect no pogs. 

If your friend rolls a number, subtract pogs from your pile and add to theirs. 

The game is won when one person wins all the pogs or both parties agree to play something different, like money pogs. :)

Author Comments

I didn’t know this existed and it’s actually kinda neat.

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