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Interplanetary • 2019 rpg

Eucatastrophic •

   ____      __                   __                 __                  
  /  _/___  / /_ ___  ____ ___   / /___ _ ___  ___  / /_ ___ _ ____ __ __
 _/ / / _ \/ __// -_)/ __// _ \ / // _ `// _ \/ -_)/ __// _ `// __// // /
/___//_//_/\__/ \__//_/  / .__//_/ \_,_//_//_/\__/ \__/ \_,_//_/   \_, / 
                        /_/                                       /___/ 


Designs encounters - Controls Federation forces - Narrates action

Pilot STARFIGHTERS across space to deliver intel to the Coalition.

Get a big coin, divide it into eight notches. These are MOVERS: 
          .-'  |  '-.
        .'.    |    .'.
       /   '.  |  .'   \
      ;      '.|.'      ;
      ;      .'|'.      ;
       \   .'  |  '.   /
        '.'    |    '.'

Gather medium sized coins, mark their front and rear. These are STARFIGHTERS:

          .`  / \  `.
         /   /   \   \
         ;  /     \  ;
         \ /       \ /
          '.       .'

Gather small coins. These are SHOTS; your ammo, fuel and currency:

           /      \  
          ;        ;
           \      /


In a turn STARFIGHTERS can rotate, move, then shoot and PILOTS can make one skill check.
-Rotate your STARFIGHTER along the MOVER's notches. 

-With one finger, flick a MOVER against the rear of your STARFIGHTER to move. 

-From the front of your STARFIGHTER, flick a SHOT. Hit SHOTS are placed on top of the enemy. Three hits will disable. 

-Flip a coin, for skill checks, calling heads/tails. Skill points - How many flips you get.  


Assign 3, 2, and 1 to PILOT skills:
TALKING  - Communicating.
THINKING - Being smart.
FIGHTING - Acts of violence.

Assign 3, 2, and 1 to STARFIGHTER systems:
THRUSTERS - How much you can turn.
ENGINE    - How many MOVER flicks you get.
WEAPONS   - How much you can shoot.



Hyperjump Beacon   {  } 
Repair Depot       {[]}
Upgrade Shop       {()}
Federation Forces  {><}

Hyperjumps - 1 SHOT
Repairs    - 2 SHOTS
Upgrades   - 3 SHOTS
|__    .           *                               ,                     __|
|  '-.                             .                           *      .-'  |
|     '.            {  }- - -{[]}- - -{  }  {()}    .   .-.         .'     | 
|       \           /  *     /    ,     \   /  \       (   )       /       |
|        ;    .    /        /            \ /    \       '-'       ;        | 
|FEDERATION - - -{><}- - -{()}          {><}   {[]}- - -{><}- - - COALITION|
|        ;         \        \       *    / \    /    *            ;        | 
|       /           \    ,   \          /   \  /                   \       | 
|     .'            {[]}- - -{><}- - -{()}  {  }                    '.     |
|__.-'        *                           .               .           '-.__| 
|   ,                             *                                    ,   |

Author Comments

Thanks to the team for this opportunity.

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