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Defixiones Memoria, a Demonic Duel • 2019 rpg

Gabe Sopocy • no link

! Content Warning: memory, trauma, flashbacks !

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Narrate all actions; be theatrical.  
Bind a Demon: write your desires on a defixione (curse tablet). Recite binding. 
Ripped from your infernal realm, announce your truename and historical misdeeds.
Sensing weakness, plunder Sorcerer's memories. Use any image search website. Find three images representing powerful emotional experiences from Sorcerer's lifetime. Use terms: Love, War, Art.
Show Sorcerer. 
Experience memories, full-force.
On 3 notecards, write a one-sentence story-your memory of each image. Secretly number each from 1 (strongest) to 3 (weakest), writing number on back. 

Read memories aloud to Demon. 

Shuffle cards and give to Demon, memory-side up.
For six minutes, interrogate. Use cunning and cruelty; divine Sorcerer's true feelings about each memory. Spellbound, Sorcerer must respond truthfully, in visceral detail.
Interrogation may surface new emotions. If necessary, re-number cards.
Use your learnings; arrange memories from strongest to weakest. Declare your reasoning.
Sorcerer, reveal sequence.
If Demon numbered all three correctly, the binding fails.
Demon, break Sorcerer's will with memories. Condemn them to their eternal fate.
If Demon fails, they are bound.
Sorcerer, tell Demon the menial tasks and great boons you will ask over the next millennia.
Variant memories:
Player's Instagram (with consent) 

Author Comments

Thank you to my fellow Queer Game Collaborators, Ginny and Jen, for their insightful and incisive editing during playtesting.

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