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A Boi likes a Grrl in the 1980s • 2019 rpg

Adriel Wilson •

a game for 2 players
By Adriel Lee Wilson

This is game about making playlists and relationships.

Answer the following questions separately:
1. How old are you?
2. What is your gender?
3. What is your name?

Answer the following questions together:
4. What year is it?
5. How do you feel about each other?
6. What is your relationship with each other?

Now you each make a playlist for the other. You can do this on Spotify (or another streaming service), or you could even make a for real cassette tape! Make a decorated list of the artists and track titles in order (cards are nice for this). Give it to the other player. Take time to listen to the playlists. Then answer the following questions.

1. How do you feel about each other?
2. What is your relationship with each other now?

Talk about how your relationship to one another has changed, or not changed.

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