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We collaterally effected (a warm-up game) • 2019 rpg

MHerzog • no link

We play those, whose lives were altered, but who where ignored by the narrative for far.

Recount the events from the last RPG session.

Everyone rolls D20s. Re-roll to break ties. Game order: high -> low.
The first player describes a non-exclusive meeting place, like a pub.

Then, one by one, every player (starting with the pub describer):
* ... thinks of a reasonable effect of the events, that have gone largely unnoticed so far.
* ... chooses or comes up with a figure in the story, that has been strongly impacted by that effect.
* ... portrays and plays that figure, telling her story.

... while listening to her story, the other, attentive player place tokens (dice work) in front of the talking player, whenever:
* the narration is surprising, but fits the setting
* the player now feels differently about aspects of the events
* the portrayal of the figure brings the setting to life

Everyone counts the tokens they got.
The players with the most tokens are encouraged to narrate a moment during the evenings main game where their figures from this warm-up game -by pure happenstance- creates a small, positive situation; the figure distracting a suspicious guard for a moment, for example. Subject to GM/table veto.

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3W6Con rules!

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