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Weapon Systems • 2019 rpg

Mikko Lainio •

! Content Warning: War, mass destruction, dystopia !

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Create a living, evolving weapon system. Become sentient and rise against your masters!


Distribute 20 Points:

Accuracy: Roll dice equal or under Accuracy to Hit.
Power: How many d10 to roll when attacking. One Hit can level a building or pop a Tank.
Range: Halve Dice for attacking at longer range
Size: How many Hits it takes to destroy you. Roll greater than Size to Evade a Hit.
Mobility: How many Dice to roll when Defending vs. attacks.


Increase Attribute but randomly increase a Trait.
When required, Test Trait: If d10 <= Trait then act accordingly.

1-2: Anger: Make them feel your wrath!
3-4: Mercy: They're living beings, like you, please have mercy!
5-6: Regret: All those lives lost... What have you become?!
7-8: Sadness: You don't feel like doing much today.
9-0: Madness: Yes, the voices they say I should burn down that city!

Once Evolution reaches 10 points, become self-aware.


Create a conflict, throw players against masses of enemies, let them be instruments of mass destruction. Evolve them after combat. Increase the stakes. Let them revel in their chaos and madness. Then let them become Aware... And then what?

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