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Museum: A solo time travel game. • 2019 rpg

Tara King •

Go to a museum. An important message waits for you there.

Use all your senses to discern which item in the museum wants to speak to you: Maybe a landscape painting, taxidermied polar bear, Roman coin--anything is possible. This powerful artifact will bring you to another place and time to share the message.

Sit or stand before it. Relax. You might notice a change in temperature or a breeze. New sounds and smells appear. The museum dissolves around you. You are in the place where this item was created, or found. You are inside the painting, on a creaking wooden ship or spending the Roman coin for bread. 

Someone here has a message for you.

What does their voice sound like? What is their name? 

Why have they waited to talk to you? What is their message?

Pay attention: Museum dwellers speak in many voices, but rarely at length. 

What is this new place like? Explore it. 

Now you know something no one else knows. 

Bonus: leave a hint in the museum's guest book.

With friends: Each person should find their own item. Once you have time-travelled, share what you learned (unless, of course, it was a secret.) 

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