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Meadhall Tales • 2019 rpg

Matthew Orr • no link

You are legendary vikings, full of deeds.

Set Up:
Assign d6, d8, d10 to any three skills: sword, dance, weave, craft, drink, skald, etc.
Describe one equipment, which adds +1 to a specific skill.
If you must prove a boast, add equipment and die roll together.
Begin with 1 honor.

Beginning with the youngest viking, make a boast about a deed: You sliced 5 trolls at once! The minimum boast is the number of vikings. The next viking must make a boast at least 1 bigger: you danced for 6 days straight! or ask the previous viking for proof. All vikings join the boaster or the doubter. The boasters prove their boast together. If they succeed they each narrate their part in the deed and win 1 honor. If they fail, the doubters remind them how they failed and each receive 1 honor instead. Then the next viking begins a new round of boasts.

Spend honor anytime:
1 add +1 to a boast while proving.
3 describe a new equipment.
6 increase a skill to the next higher die.

Play until the mead runs out, or at least until every viking begins one round of boasting.

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