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Fall from Grace • 2019 rpg

William Cady • no link

! Content Warning: Violence, killing !

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Your Grace score begins at 9. To do anything, Roll a d10. If it's Social, ROLL UNDER to succeed; if it's Violent, ROLL OVER. Killing someone permanently lowers your Grace by 1, changing the target numbers for all future rolls. If you ever reach 0 Grace, you die and your story ends. You can no longer accomplish any goals, but you may narrate an epilogue to contextualize your death. 

Before each roll, state your Goal and whether you're approaching it Socially or Violently; the GM offers available actions toward that goal within that approach. 
Player: "I want this guy to back off..."
"...using Violence."
GM: "He's kind of a pushover; you only need to rough him up."
"...using Social."
GM: "Because he's honest, bribes won't work. Lies or threats are fair game."

Narrative advantages let you roll additional dice (1 for each narrative element, max 3). Social elements may include bribes or calling in favors. Violent elements can include weapons or advantageous terrain. 

If you tie your Grace score in a social situation, you can kill someone who isn't an immediate threat to you (no roll) to achieve your Goal despite failing. (You still pay the Grace cost.)

Author Comments

Hacked from All Outta Bubblegum, with inspiration from Trollbabe and the show Breaking Bad

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