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Audio Commentary • 2019 rpg

LagAnda • no link

1-3 players

Make a warm cup of tea and light a candle in front of the television. Put some soft pillows and a blanket around yourself. Eat some chocolate.

Pick a random movie. Watch it on low volume.

You each choose to play as a director or leading actor and comments the movie as if you were recording an audio commentary. Talk about a randomly generated subject for each new scene.

1. Symbolics
2. The actors
3. Camera angles
4. Reviews
5. Connections to other scenes
6. CGI

ACTOR (when in the scene)
1. Your preparations
2. What the character is feeling
3. What you, the actor, felt
4. The set
5. This went wrong
6. The other actors

If your actor isn't in the scene you can talk about:

1. Sound
2. Lights
3. Clothes
4. Make up
5. Music
6. The script

Your audio commentary has a theme. What is it?

- Humour
- Education
- Reviewing a classic
- Political incentive
- Laid back

Can you find another theme?

Record your audio commentary and make it public. Name it "RPG Audio Commentary + [Movie] + [Your names]. Make it easy for people to synchronize the audio with the movie.

Have fun!

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