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Zombie Mall • 2019 rpg

Ben Hoban • no link

! Content Warning: Zombies !

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3-8 Players are trapped in a mall defending zombie attacks.

Start the game with 2 store catalogs and 1D8 for each player. Each catalog represents a store in the mall.

DAY: players can take 8 actions:

Move: to an uninhabited store

Shop: choose products in their store, cut them out from the catalog. Players can hold 5 products.
Trade: choose a player and agree to trade any products you are holding.

Eat: Remove an edible product from inventory

Barricade: remove a product from inventory, explain how it will help your defence. Players rate your product 0-3.
Record the average rounded down as the products defense rating.

NIGHT: players add up the defense ratings and $ value of all products in their barricades. Minus 1 defense rating for each eat action below 3 taken during the day.

Players, in order of the cheapest to the most expensive barricade roll a D8 and choose a player to attack. Roll result is number of Zombies attacking. If number of Zombies exceeds defense rating player is killed.

At end of the night all barricades are discarded. Killed players become zombies and may choose to reroll and redirect 1 attack per night.

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