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Wax Nostalgic • 2019 rpg

MWiebe • no link

The Wax Museum, your forever home, is aflame. You, resident ghosts, watch as the only bodies you've known for ages melt into flesh-colored puddles. This is your last night to possess your favorites; choose wisely!

Light a two-sided candle or tealight in the middle of the table; when it goes out the game ends.
Turn off the lights.
Each ghost chooses a famous or historical person; that's the mannequin you possess first.
Each ghost, light your own tea candle.
Pick a discussion topic such as "What's the secret of a fulfilled life?"
Each ghost role-plays with the others; speaking in the wax mannequin's character. If you break character, the ghost to your right gets one puff to blow out your candle. 
If your candle is blown out, your mannequin has melted, and you must choose a new mannequin to possess. You can immediately try to strike one match to relight your candle. If you fail in striking the match or lighting your candle, you must wait to try again when the next ghost fails to stay in character. 
When the center candle burns out the game is over. Any ghost with an unlit tea candle has perished forever!

Author Comments

Thanks to Mr. Binder for his parsimonious help!

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