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Two Hearts with One Face • 2019 rpg

Jamila R. Nedjadi •

! Content Warning: doppelgangers, memory loss/recovery, possible gaslighting !

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Take a deck, shuffle it, place it between you two. Gather tokens to represent your memories, your right to live.

One of you is a doppelganger. One of you is real. You can't remember who is who. Why?

Create three things: 
+ the identity you fight for
+ who you love most
+ what happens if the doppelganger is undiscovered

Spread the cards, draw one. Share a memory of:

CLUBS: Passion, mistakes well made.
SPADES: Violence, lies well received.
HEARTS: Love, corrupted and sincere.
DIAMONDS: Treasure, intangible and deadly.

The other responds. Draw one.

CLUBS: No! What actually happened was... (Gain 2 tokens)
SPADES: No. Maybe. From a certain point of view... (Gain 1 token)
HEARTS: Yes, but! You forgot something essential...(Lose 1 token)
DIAMONDS: Yes, and as a consequence...(Lose 2 tokens).

Draw cards until someone: 
+ Reaches 6 tokens
+ Despairs and gives up
+ Falls in love with someone else

When the doppelganger is revealed, draw two cards each. Reveal from your heart: 

CLUBS: Your selfish desire
SPADES: Your haunting truth
HEARTS: Your true intentions
DIAMONDS: Your hidden weapon

What happens next? Be gracious, be kind. Forgive, and let go. Forget, if you like.

Or kill, and be done with it. 

Author Comments

Many thanks to my friends at #SWORDDREAM and The Blind Sword! Pretty version coming soon, and I release games regularly please check me out at

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