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To dream is to understand • 2019 rpg

M. Jon Young • no link

Players present the subconscious angst of their character, as manifested in dreams, while the other players attempt to decipher the dream. 

Game cards:
	DS: Dreamscape (many) - ex. schoolyard
        DT: Dream Type (some) - ex. falling
	DM: Dream Meaning (few) - ex. sibling rivalry
	TH: Therapy (some) - ex. Rorschach, word association

Players self-select a character (ex. matador, elf)
Cards are sorted. Each player draws one DS, DT, DM, and TC. The remaining cards are collected and shuffled.

Current player draws a card and discards it - face up - or exchanges from his hand.
  If a Dx card: 
    Player describes one dream sequence using the information on the cards in their hand.
    Symbolism and analogy are used to disguise the meaning. Ex. peer pressure presents as a boulder on the chest. 
    Consistency between turns is expected.

  If a TC card: 
    A randomly selected player administers the therapy

Then a randomly selected player starts a clockwise round of analysis and proposes a meaning or passes.  

The hand goes until all players have been engaged. 
Only clarifying questions are allowed.  ex. "did you mean gliding or flying".

Once a player's dream is deciphered they discard their hand but may participate in the therapy or analysis.

Author Comments

The purpose of this game is to let players create impromptu stories and use tools to understand the underlying themes and motives. It is not intended as real therapy, and the stories should not be viewed as anything but stories and the tools as nothing but game artifacts.

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