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Manus artificis in caelis: WIZARD EDITION • 2019 rpg

Aven and Adam McConnaughey •

To play, you will need 1-5 players, one four- and one twenty-sided die per player, and a large pile of other dice.

Each player builds a Wizard Tower by rolling and stacking dice. If you wish, you may speak in character as your Wizard.

Players take turns building their towers. To build a tower, roll a die, add a description based on the die rolled as described below, then add that die to the top of your tower. Roll and stack your d4 to complete your tower.


When you roll a ____, describe _______:
d6: the tower's appearance
d8: the tower's residents
d10: a collaborator or rival of your Wizard
d12: a magical feat of your Wizard
d20: your Wizard
d4: your Wizard's legacy
Other: minor magical mishaps or mayhem


You get a number of words of description equal to the result of the die roll.

If you tower falls, accidentally or on purpose, describe the downfall of your Wizard  You may choose to start again with a new Wizard. Knocking over another Wizard's tower intentionally is grounds for banishment from the realm.

To play competitively, the first person to finish a tower with die rolls totaling 50+ wins.

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