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Crimson • 2019 rpg

Jeeyon Shim •

! Content Warning: blood, inhumanity !

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by Jeeyon Shim

Crimson is a solitaire game. Duration of play is silent. Do not let yourself be seen by anyone during any stage of play, especially the endgame.

Play it when you bleed accidentally (e.g. a paper cut).

You are a homunculus. You have been in the world for a week and a day. The magician who created you died yesterday, and your skeleton is still turning from wood to bone, your veins still run with water slowly turning to blood. 

Put a small piece of white gauze on the cut. Watch the blood bloom through the cloth.

The bleeding is a sure sign that you are transforming. 

Put the bloodied gauze in a small brown paper box.

What makes you human? Write it on the outside of the box.

What keeps you from being completely human? Write it on the inside of the box.

Which do you commit to?

HUMAN: If you commit to being human, find a tree and bury the box with your blood in the dirt by its roots.

HOMUNCULUS: If you commit to being inhuman, throw the box with your blood into a fire and watch it as it burns to ash.

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