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Alien Shotgun • 2019 rpg

Mathew Sforcina •

5 Players 

Prep: Arrange 5 chairs in a car layout, driver's side slightly ahead of shotgun. Have 5 playing cards, identify one for the driver, one for the alien. Shuffle and deal cards out, driver sits in driver's seat, alien silently reveals themselves to passengers, tells everyone else where to sit.

Setting: June 1947, on a road on the outskirts of Roswell New Mexico, late at night.

The driver of the car is suspicious that one of their passengers is an alien. But the passengers are under the alien's control, they're not allowed to reveal the alien's identity.

Play: The driver must keep looking forward, eyes on the road thank you, and can only talk to the passengers about idle chit-chat. The alien must give orders to the passengers silently, hand gestures, mouthed words, whatever. Passengers must follow these as best they can, but do nothing else. Every 5 minutes, the alien can knock out one passenger via the cut-throat gesture.

At any time, the driver can kick one passenger out.

If the alien is kicked out before all passengers are knocked out, driver/passengers win. If a passenger is kicked out, or all passengers knocked out, the alien wins.

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