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Ready S.E.T. Spy • 2019 rpg

Matthew Bivens •

Spies, Get Assets before drawing Heat!
Supplies: *Dice Six-sided *Poker Card Deck *Pen *Papers
Characters Pages: 
Sneaking Escaping Trapping (SET) skills gets 2 #s from 1to6 each #only used once
Setup: Shuffle Cards, Draw five cards building card line out from deck

Card furthest from deck =current situation.
*Suit Situation Types:
   *Diamond: Exchange
   *Heart: Convince Individual
   *Club: Group Social
   *Spade: Fight Scene
Face Cards are Assets and placed on location cards 

#Determines Location: Ace Mall, 2 Police, 3 Nature, 4 Plaza, 5 Government, 6 Restaurant, 7 Airport, 8 Wharf, 9 Downtown, 10 Resort

Play: *Choose Spymaster, go to first situation @location *Player left of Spymaster describes situation. *Spymaster explains spy resolving situation +SET skill used.
*SM rolls dice and compares to skill.
 	-Matched #skill =Success +gain card
 	-Unmatched     =Fail +card goes bottom deck 
            -Unmatched  2+ =record 1Heat
*Remaining cards away from deck draw +new card near deck =card line always5
*Player right of Spymaster describes outcome 
*Player left of Spymaster becomes Spymaster +repeat
Gained #card can be used to skip a situation. Using multiple #cards =okay

Get Asset Face Cards before 20 Heat

Record end Assets completed, next session =remove cards from start deck 

Author Comments

I had a chance to get some play tests of this in and I appreciate the lean coffee discussion on RPG design I got to participate in at Strategicon this past September. This is a new way of looking at role playing game design.

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