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Penumbran Horrors and the Dustmen • 2019 rpg

Jaye Foster •

! Content Warning: Tragedy, Horror !

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The dustmen see what others do not in the predawn gloom. They protect the city from the horrors and collect rubbish.

Each night's patrol comprises of 7 scenes framed by the dustmen. Successes advance the horror clock or collect rubbish. Each horror is unique and has 1d4+2 clock segments. The truck should be full of 4 rubbish by dawn.

If the horror clock is filled, the dustmen confront the horror at dawn. Victory heals the city by one. City health starts at 4.

If the horror clock is not filled, the city loses one health to the horror.

If the truck is not full a dustmen loses 1 of their 4 health.

Dustmen can be Brave, Bold, Brutal, and Brilliant. Assign +2, +1, 0 and -1. When you roll 10+ you choose one, on a 7-9 you choose two. Use 2d6.

When overwhelmed, roll plus Brave:
- An object damaged.
- Pursuit.
- Take harm.
- Help is needed.

When equally matched, roll plus Bold:
- A temporary victory.
- A permanent disadvantage.
- A frustrating stalemate.
- Depleted resources.

When overwhelming, roll plus Brutal:
- Shame.
- Dishonourable actions.
- Exhaustion.
- Unwanted attention.

When thinking, roll plus Brilliant:
- Lost time.
- Exposure.
- Doomful tidings.
- An unpleasant bargain.

Author Comments

This game was inspired by a blog post I wrote a few years ago. The mechanics are inspired from Stuart Chaplin’s Brave/Brutal/Bold PbtA hacks.

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