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Answers to Job • 2019 rpg

Mehitabel Glenhaber •

A game for two players: 

God - The Great Author, The Mover Unmoved. What world have you created?

Job - A person, not at ease. They have no rest, but trouble comes. How has God wronged you?

Job briefly lists God's crimes, ending: "I would speak to the Almighty, for I desire to reason with God."

God then describes the terrible form in which They appear to Job - a fire, a whirlwind, a still quiet voice. They command "Who is this that demands counsel, with words without knowledge?"

Then, God and Job play a game of Questions, Job demanding answers, and God presenting mysteries.  Each player may only speak in questions - if they make any other sort of utterance, or are struck speechless, they must flip a coin. Whenever Job flips tails, their resolve to question God is worn down. Whenever God flips tails, their aegis of mystery is eroded, a little bit. If either player gets five tails, they must concede defeat - Job must recant, contented that they are dust, or God must confess the Mysteries of Creation.

After someone concedes, narrate:

God - How do you reward Job?

Job - How do you live out the rest of your days in peace?

Author Comments

“How should man be just with God? If he will contend with Him, he cannot answer Him one of a thousand.”

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