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Super Mega Robot Friends! • 2019 rpg

Ryan Wilson •

Our heroes are failing to stop the giant MONSTER...

Overcome your team's STRIFE to combine your robots into SUPER MEGABOT!


Each player:

On one notecard, name your character, your robot, and which body part of SUPER MEGABOT you form.

On each of two notecards, write a STRIFE that describes a conflict between two friends. On the reverse sides, write BONDs that could form.


Shuffle and deal two notecards between each pair of players: one STRIFE side up, one BOND side up.


A player describes the MONSTER's rampage.

Everyone describes their character's reaction, then gains 2d6, or 3d6 if other players laughed. Dice gained are cumulative between rounds.

Roll simultaneously.

Take turns:

* If a die matches a neighbor's, place both on a shared STRIFE. Describe working together against the MONSTER. If the STRIFE has 4 dice, describe the STRIFE's resolution and flip it!

* Otherwise, place one die on a BOND, and describe it being stressed. A BOND with 3 dice is flipped!

A different player describes the MONSTER's rampage: repeat.


Loss: No BONDs remain.

Win: No STRIFE remains. Describe how your team combines into SUPER MEGABOT to defeat the MONSTER! Sing your theme song!

Author Comments

Hazzah for the power of friendship!

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