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Blood on Ministry's Carpets • 2019 rpg

Luke Acad • no link

3+ players
A D10 dice

One player gets to be a GM, others are 'janitors'

You work in the very heart of a totalitarian State - The Ministry. The Ubergeneral is going to visit soon but for some reason there's blood on the carpet near the conference room! And the worst of all - you've lost your keycard that allowed you to get into the technical zone, where the closet with all your stuff is situated.
 Players try to get the cleaning chemicals by all possible means - tricking the officer into believing they are high-ranked officials, crawling through the vents or just stealing keycards from others. GM sets the difficulty on 1-10 scale and janitors roll dice trying to get over the number. When players fail they are noticed by officers and can blame other players for their faults. If they don't succeed at convincing GM or if other player successfully blames them they get a 'warning'. After three warnings player is taken by the secret police. The janitor that actually cleans the blood stain is declared a 'National Hero'. 
When all the players are out or the carpet is clean, GM narrates Ubergeneral's visit and each janitor's fate.

Author Comments

I’m really into table-top games and i’ve been playing and GMing RPGs for over a year now. So i discovered this great challege and decided to test my creativity and writing skills! Hope you enjoy it:)

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