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After • 2019 rpg

Daniel Wood •

The world is as old as time, it rests in an ancient slumber. Iron and steel creeps from its tombs, to haunt the green world above. Ancient wonders waiting to be found, as miasmas sweep the land. Adventures arise to tempt fate, one last time.

Decide on a GM

Describe your wildly adventurer, give them two traits, one good, one bad. Design them a key item,this is a contraption to help them in this broken world.

Each player chooses 3 skills, if the player fails 5 times attempting the skill, they get the skilled action free and always succeed.

Players get 5 cards from a 52 card deck and place them face down on the table. 
Draw from this stack to Spend or Lose a card, place Gained cards on the bottom. Used cards go into the draw pile, center on the table, which is shuffled each round.

To resolve, spend a card, if the players card number (King12,...,Ace1) is higher than the next draw pile card they succeed. Discard Both.

Anytime Adventures:
>Spend to resolve
>Lose when harmed

During Adventures Turns:
>Spend to acquire
>Give a card to a Player
>Draw 2

Author Comments

This is based off of an idea I have had for a combined action/health system.

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