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200 Word RPG: The 200 Word RPG • 2019 rpg

Crossfiyah • no link

You and any friends you can convince to sit down with you create your own 200 Word RPGs.

Using pencils and paper, write down the rules. Think about the rules for a long time, and how they make you feel. Award extra points to anyone who tears up, smirks knowingly, or otherwise silently demonstrates they're more emotionally connected or avant-garde. The rules themselves do not matter. No players should at any point converse with each other during rule creation.

Then, each of you takes turn being a judge. For any game that use dice, cards, or things you would expect to find in an RPG, roll 1d6 and assign the game that many points. For any games that use objects you would never find in an RPG, such as matchsticks, ice cubes, or used tissues, roll 1d6 and add 6. Double the points of any game if the subject matter is exceptionally ludicrous. No players should at any point converse with each other during judging.

At the end of the game, whichever game has the most points wins. Then none of you play any of the games.

Solo variant: The regular game will always be a solo variant.

Author Comments

I just wanted to thank the community for being so supportive with all of the feedback I received since I first started designing this RPG a year ago. Truly, it would not have been as polished for submission without the helpful folks at /r/RPGDesign.

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