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Villa Diodati • 2019 rpg

Adam Taylor • no link

You are romantic poetical bods
Swapping ghost-tales in a storm-beset manse.
Take turns describing creatures - each at odds
With nature. 
	     Your Poet's Skills will enhance
Their creation and help them to survive.
Before you start, write down their name, a Vice,
A Strength, a Love, a Fear. These will best drive
Things if you don't confer. 
			    By chance device,
Select a player: They describe some beast, 
Or its story, and now IT STALKS THE HOUSE.
The next defeats it - IF a Skill allows -
Describing their efforts. Then this repeats.

If they've NO related Skill, you lose a Dread
Point. End the game once five Dread Points have fled.

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