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Use Dice on Table • 2019 rpg

Eytan Kaplan • no link

       ____    _____   ______   (Tm)
      /\  _`\ /\  __`\/\__  _\  
 __  _\ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \/_/\ \/  
/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  
\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ 
 \ \____/\ \____/\ \_____\ \ \_\
  \/___/  \/___/  \/_____/  \/_/
Congratulations on your purchase of the Use Dice on Table (Tm) role-playing system!
To begin, designate one user to be the CONSOLE MASTER (CM). The rest are PLAYERs.

Each PLAYER describes [a place to visit, a trinket to find, a character to meet]
Each PLAYER writes [a description of themselves, 3 items from their past]

Each PLAYER is TRAINED in two of the available commands.

Each GAME contains 6 puzzles, one solved with each command.
When all puzzles have been solved, the game is over.

*Forest Clearing*
You are standing in a forest clearing. 
Sunlight filters in through the trees onto the large metal grate in the ground before you.
There are paths leading NORTH and EAST.

   The available commands are:
      *GO* a direction or through danger
      *LOOK* at your surroundings
      *TALK* to other characters
      *USE* one object on another
      *ATTACK* the monsters of this land
      *THINK* about a puzzle or your mysterious past

      Ex. ["GO (place)", "THINK (thing)", "USE (object) on (object)"]

      When a PLAYER acts, and the outcome is unclear, USE d4 on Table (d6 if TRAINED):
         If the roll is less than 3: Failure

      ***When PLAYERs act, they may speak only in commands***


Author Comments

Inspired by my love of old text-based adventure games.

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