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The Stars, Our Constellations • 2019 rpg

Caroline Berg •

Each player draws 15 to 25 stars on the same piece of paper with pencils.

Then each player takes turns drawing lines between 5 and 10 stars to make a constellation.  Constellation lines cannot cross any other constellation lines.  Players continue to take turns until everyone has added two constellations, or there are no more clusters of at least 5 stars available.

Once all constellations have been created, the First Age starts.

During the First Age, all constellations and stand-alone stars are given names.  On their turn, each player gives one constellation or star a name.  Continue, rotating between players, until all are named.

Rotate again, this time each player gives a named constellation or star a story.  Once all constellations and stars have stories, the Second Age begins.

In the Second Age, half the constellations shift.  Go through each constellation and decide if it changed by adding new lines.  One player proposes a new name, while other players provide a new story, and a brief history why it changed.

The game ends once every changed constellation has a new story.

Example Names:

Crown of the North
The Investigator
Scythe's Handle
The First One
Varnek, the Winter Moose
Scorpion's Face

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