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Paperwork • 2019 rpg

pyhnux • no link

One player is a civilian that wants to get specific information from the database, and one is a bureaucrat that tries to deny him the request.
Both players agree on a time-limit in minutes.
The civilian then submits a request form for some specific information. 
The following steps then repeat:
1) The bureaucrat checks the form and requests exactly 2 different fixes. This step may not take more than 15 seconds.
2) The civilian submits a fixed form
The bureaucrat can't request a fix he already requested or that directly oppose an older fix and can't request a fix the civilian can't feasibly achieve in up to a minute of work.

If the bureaucrat made illegal requests/passed his turn time-limit 3 times or the civilian made successful fixes equal to twice the game time-limit, the bureaucrat concedes, giving the civilian the information he wanted. If the agreed time-limit is reached, reception hours are over and the civilian loose. If the civilian submits a form without a requested fix (even an earlier one) than it is fully rejected and the civilian loose.

Fixes examples: add another form, change pen color, change paper size, add missing information, change letters size.

Author Comments

Created from personal experience on both sides of bureaucracy

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