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Caveman's Quest • 2019 rpg

Leo Winstead •

You are a caveman (3HP). Go around circle; give names. The Chief (GM) hands you each 1 stick (twizzlers) and 1 stone (smarties) - your starting tools (1 DMG). "+" on 1dF = hit. The land called "home" has no game. You must find new home.

On first leg of journey, you encounter (1dF):

(-) sabretooth (5 HP, 2 DMG)
(0) brush fire - players roll (1dF); "-" means they are burned (-1HP)
(+) river - players roll (1dF); with "-" they get sick (-1 HP)

You stop and stare at mysterious boulder (GM hands each "string" - strawberry laces).  You realize 2 rocks grind herb (heal 1HP), 1 stick and 1 rock make axe (2 DMG), and 2 sticks make spear (free attack). You may trade tools only while at rest.

On second leg of journey (1dF):

(-) you see light in sky - (1dF) on a "+" Chief is taken
(0) mammoth (16 HP, 4 DMG)
(+) thunderstorm! (each roll 2dF); "--" you drown, "-" lightning strike (-2 HP), "0" tree hits you (-1 HP), "+" tools swept away, "++" climb to safety

If still alive, you find cave high in mountain - new home! Celebrate by eating your tools.  Don't eat the Fudge.

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