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(Be)Witch • 2018 rpg

Daniele Di Rubbo •


  * Witch;
  * Demon.

Witch, bring 3 headshots.

  Create a triangle with 6 matches, an ashtray in the centre. Each side an Oracle:

    * Ash: ruin;
    * Warmth: feelings;
    * Light: joy.

Demon, take the photos.

  Back: draw an Oracle twice on each. No doubles.

  Front: write:

    * Name;
    * Age;
    * Occupation.

Witch, one photo per corner.


                            *  *
                           *    *
                          *      *
                         *        *
                        *          *
                       *            *
                      *              *
                     *                *
                    *                  *
                 ASH                   WARMTH
                  *                      *
                 *        ASHTRAY         *
                *                          *
               *                            *
              *                              *
             *                                *
            *                                  *
           *                                    *
          *                                      *
PHOTO     *************** LIGHT  *****************     PHOTO

Play 3 scenes.

  Witch and Demon, choose one character each.

  Witch, frame a scene between them.

  Everything/everyone else: shared authority.


    * Establish relationships;
    * Show something personal and important.

  Demon, introduce a Crisis. Resolve it with the Oracle between them.

  Draw it on both characters.

Play 3 more scenes.

  Witch, now, before Crisis resolution, you can move one character to another corner.

  Resolve the Crisis, for the still character, with the old Oracle; for the moved character, with the Oracle on the side between their old and new corner.

  Draw the Oracles on the photos accordingly.

Narrate a different finale for each photo, accounting for and starting from the most widely distributed Oracle on each, and burn them.

  Demon, break ties.


    * Witch: which headshot portrayed you;

    * Demon: the cost for their powers;

    * Witch: why you took the deal.

  Burn everything else.

Author Comments


Thanks for proofreading, peer review, and feedback to:

Thanks to Francesco Zani for the ASCII character scheme of the gaming table.

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