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FIREWATER • 2018 rpg

Jez Gordon •

Required: 3+ Players, bottles of firewater.

Sit in circle. 
Drink firewater.
Pour drink, close bottle.
Place bottle in middle. 


Spin. Bottle points to starting Player.

Starting player drinks, makes one negative statement about the setting. Color, feels, obstacles. Go round circle til all have done so. 

Spin bottle, points to player who drinks, names and state's one antagonist's strength, want and weakness. Go round circle til all have done so.  

Spin bottle, points to player who drinks, names and state's one protagonist's strength, want and weakness. Go round circle til all have done so. 


Spin bottle, points to player who drinks, starts to tell story of protagonist's attempts to fulfil want.

Other players can suggest obstacles and antagonists to complicate story, until a moment of challenge is met.


Protagonist's player fights challenge using strength or weakness.

Spin bottle:

If playing to weakness: success if bottle is pointing at protagonist player; others must skol drink.

If playing to strength: success if bottle is pointing to other players; protagonist player must skol drink.

Bottle points to player who describes aftermath. They start the next Turn, repeating actions until new challenge met.


Last player still awake wins.

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