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Haiku Rebels Society • 2018 rpg

Daniele Fusetto •

Japan, 1633. The HRS uses poetry to stir and organize an uprising against the isolationist Shogun. Rebels' punishment is death.

3-6 players create a rebel each with one verse. Verses must be 3 to 5 words long. One player is the Shogun (first verse "Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu").

Talk in first person. Describe quotidianity, people's problems, meetings.

When you find fuel for the uprising, write a verse about it. 

Listen. Show isolationism; tease rebels.

When a rebel:
- talks about uprisings;
- pronounces forbidden words,
write a verse about it.

Recite a finished haiku (3 consecutive verses).

If it has a Kigo (seasonal reference) or kireji (oxymoron or caesura), you explain:
- the uprising advancement [delete one of the Shogun's verses]; 
- isolation laws' enactment [forbid a 4+ letters word; delete it from rebels' verses];

Otherwise, you describe:
- the uprising advancement with casualties or problems [rewrite one of the Shogun's verses].
- new tax's imposition [rebels delete a word per tax from haikus they recite].

When Shogun's haikus reach 200+ undeleted words, rebels write two haiku each, describing:
- their arrest;
- if their haikus reached 200+ undeleted words, part of a successful uprising.
Then rebels suffer death sentence.

Author Comments

A very special thanks to Francesco Zani, who helped me A LOT with the syntax of the game! I want also to thanks my collegues at Storie di Ruolo: Edoardo, Vanessa, Ivan, Giuseppe, Chiara and Luca. A final thanks to all people on Facebook, G+, Telegram (expecially the GDR Unplugged chatroom) and other social network who read it and help me in some way.

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