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Tokyo Drift Racers • 2018 rpg

Martin Killmann • n/a

Name your character, describe car and outfit, and prepare to race the mountain passes of Japan.

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Make a race course with the numbers -10 to 100.

--- < Preparation > ---

Roll -d10 for starting position. Draw 3 action cards.

Gear determines the speed: zero, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20.

--- < Round > ---

To start each round, the player in last place picks two dice to roll the crash number.

Players go from first to last. Roll speed to break ties.

- Draw one action card, play one, gain effect this turn. (Shuffle discard pile when no cards are left)

- (optional) Shift gears one step.

- Roll and move.

First to 88 wins.

If you roll the crash number, you lose. If you roll higher and odd, take damage equal to the roll. 55 damage - you lose.

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Players make action cards before the game and vote on them.

 --- < Examples > ---

Skill: Roll twice, take higher.

Nitrox: Double speed.

Handbrake: Roll twice, take lower.

Midlane: Can't be overtaken.

Oilslick: Your speed is a crash number for everyone behind.

Ram: Deal speed in damage to the car in front.

Buff: Remove 5 damage.

Lucky: Can't crash.

Safety: Increase the crash number by 5.

Trickster: Discard and redraw your hand.

Author Comments

Thanks for making this.

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