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The Cooking Show RPG Challenge • 2018 rpg

Aviva Schecterson •

One player is the Tasting Judge; the others are Chefs. 

The Tasting Judge sets a tone and theme for the competition (example: comedic and camping food) with an introductory speech. Then, each Chef has 10 seconds to talk about themselves.

Each Chef rolls one Scattergories letter die three times. They must come up with an ingredient starting with the letter from their result in 10 seconds; these are ingredients in their dish. 

Narrate the episode in the Diary Room (use present tense). 

You have three cuts in the Diary Room. Chefs roll 1d6 in any order and describe the result within 30 seconds.
1 - A disaster that has ruined your dish.
2 - How your dish is "over the edge".
3 - Cut to Tasting Judge (steals 10 seconds): Describe what this chef is doing; cut to Chef: React.
4 - The effort you put into your dish.
5 - Your fellow contestants; someone may interrupt you (steals 10 seconds).
6 - A past event that is influencing you as a chef.

After all Chef turns, the Tasting Judge describes each final plated dish and selects a winner.

Author Comments

I’d like to dedicate this RPG to Gordon Ramsay. I’m inspired by his passion for cooking and the Craps Challenge on Hell’s Kitchen.

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