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And... Action! • 2018 rpg

Eric Jome • no link

No holds barred.  Clues unearthed.  A tense standoff.  A passionate embrace.  The murderer accused.  A high speed chase.  The stuff of which dreams are made.  Scene by scene you build to a resolution and... Action!

Each player is given 3d6 and a supply of index cards on which to write.  Roll to see who will be the first Director.

The game is played in rounds.  Each round, The Director describes a scene, and then chooses two other players as Protagonist and Antagonist.  The Protagonist writes out at least 2 cards using only nouns describing a person with a goal in the scene.  The Antagonist writes out at least 2 cards using only nouns describing an obstacle to the character's goal in the scene.

The Antagonist and Protagonist each roll their remaining dice.  The player with the highest total describes the resolution of the scene, then selects 2 cards to use in setting the next scene, in which they will be the new Director.  The player with the lower total sets aside one of their dice.

The story ends when one player is out of dice.  The player with the highest total set aside describes the conclusion.

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