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Memories • 2017 rpg winner

Santiago Eximeno •

You are elderly people in a Nursing home. No one comes to see you anymore. You want to talk with others, tell them about your life, your dreams, and your memories.

Sit around a table. Get nine matches and an ashtray. Cut a paper sheet in nine pieces and write a word in each piece. These words are your conversation topics.


One of you take a piece of paper and begins to talk about the topic in it. While speaking he lights a match and set fire to the paper in the ashtray. All of you talk about the proposed topic until the paper is consumed. Then a new elder takes another piece of paper and proceeds in the same way, but all of you have forgotten your memories related to the previous topic. You cannot use them in the new conversation. If the memories are necessary (for example, you must have CHILD in order to have GRANDCHILD), you must justify it in another way.

Finish when the nine pieces of paper have been burned —and, with them, all your memories.

Author Comments

English is not my first language, sorry for any error :)

Judge Comments

Probably one of the more depressing entries we’ve read but also one that can be very powerful as well. As you literally burn through the memories of your nursing home patients it becomes harder and harder to relate new stories as you can’t remember the things that came before. The time of play can be variable on how large a piece of paper you write on and is a great small game for those that want to try something a little more serious with their group. - Jef and Jon

A timely gut punch, this one about our tragic loss of memory as we grow older. I particularly appreciate the lack of die rolls in this game; randomization wouldn’t improve this concept. You have your memories…until you don’t. - Brent Newhall

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