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Group Troop • 2017 rpg

Nanna E • no link

The game starts with every player writing down a social group on a piece of paper. This can be anything, from "tango dancers" to "people who like white chocolate". Everyone picks a group note at random, and the game begins. From there everyone takes turns, starting with the oldest player present, stating a cliche or a trait they imagine people in their group share. So, if you've got tango dancers you might say "muscular calves", at which point anyone with a group who shares this trait repeats it, in this case that group might be football players. The game ends when each group has been identified and each group has matched traits with at least two other groups. 

Author Comments

I got the idea from studying sociology. There is no social group whose members are only part of that one social group, there’s always overlapping. Going from that it seemed interesting to create a game that explores these overlaps. While the players will at first most likely go for the obvious traits it won’t take long for them to dig a bit deeper and explore the similarities.

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