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Who killed? - Game about investigation • 2017 rpg

Tomasz Misterka •

The game is for 1-5 people. All are detectives. They are interpreting evidences of murder.
Use standard card deck

-Take all J, Q and K. Shuffle.
-Take first pair and show victim.
-Next and third pair put reversed - principal and murderer.
-Shuffle rest with the deck - witnesses.

Four rounds - briefings.
Detectives meet on briefing. Describe and talk about evidences and interrogations of witnesses. Everyone take 2 cards - interpret them - tables below - connect them for better story. If any witness - one principal or (later) murderer card is shown. If after four briefing murderer was not shown - try to guess or murder wasn’t resolved.

     first card: gender
     second: age
CARD          |   KING       |   QUINN      |   RED JACK   |   BLACK JACK |
GENDER        |   Male       |   Female     |   Female     |    Male      |
AGE           |   Old        |   Middleage  |            Young            |

Red: bloody
Black: dirty / broken

CARD          |   CLUBS      |   HEARTS     |   DIAMONDS   |   SPADES     |
ACE, 2        |   bat        |   pendant    |   vessel     |   kitchen    |
3, 4          |   furniture  |   map        |   knife      |   dinette    |
5, 6          |   key        |   gloves     |   money      |   garden     |
7, 8          |   desk       |   hat        |   axe        |   street     |
9, 10         |   umbrella   |   painting   |   clock      | sitting-room |

Example: Housemaid (Heart Jack) saw women (first principal card) who gave money (5 Diamond) to somebody.
Example: Bloody vessel (2 Diamond) was found under the desk (8 club).

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