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The Last Dragon • 2017 rpg

Fabien Badilla •

You are Dragons, living in your own Regions, working to outlive all others and become The Last Dragon.

Attributes start at 1:
Dragon >>> Hoard | Sleep | Terrify
Region >>> Riches | Cultists | Adventurers

Each era:
Dragons choose which Dragon Attribute dominates their focus.

Dragons should:
>>> Describe their deeds with dramatic detail!
>>> Name / track people, legacies, artifacts, monstrous beasts.
>>> Interact with details from other Regions.
>>> Make maps.
>>> Roleplay / Banter / Tease one another!

At the end of each era, Dragon / Region Attributes change based on their focus:
>>> Hoard+1 >>> Riches-1 | Adventurers+1
>>> Sleep+1 >>> Riches+1 | Adventurers+1
>>> Terrify+1 >>> Adventurers-1 | Cultists+1

Special Events:

Hoard / Cultist: every 4 levels
>>> Dragon chooses any two Attributes (even another Dragon / Region’s Attributes) to give +1 / -1.

Adventurers: every 3 levels
>>> Adventurers rally against the Dragon
>>> Roll Dragon versus Adventurers.

Any Riches | Adventurers | Cultists =-3
>>> Region devolves.
>>> Dragon invades the Region with the highest Riches.
>>> Roll Dragon versus Dragon.

>>> Dragons: [Terrify] * D6 + [Cultists]
>>> Adventurers: [Adventurers] * D6 + [Sleep]
>>> Highest wins.
>>> Reroll ties.
>>> Losing Dragons perish.

Rinse / Repeat.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are The Last Dragon!
All other Dragons write a poem (#TheLastDragon) about your life’s deeds.
The author of your favorite poem wins the game.

Author Comments

Dedicated to Jennifer, who always wants to play be a Dragon.

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