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Helsing's League • 2017 rpg

Marek J. Kolcun •

Welcome, future colleague. Before heading out to fight the monsters, witches and demons, fill this membership questionnaire for our evidence purposes.

Name:                                            HEALTH: [  ] / 10

Membership reason:




Rate yourself - distribute 12 points (0 to 3 per skill).
Please, be honest.

Fight             Investigation       Social
[  ] (R)anged     [  ] (A)cumen       [  ] (L)ying
[  ] (U)narmed    [  ] (S)earching    [  ] (I)ntimidation
[  ] (M)elee      [  ] (K)nowledge    [  ] (P)ersuasion

Enlist your 4 items: 3 rubbish and 1 fine:

--------------------   --------------------   --------------------
--------------------   --------------------   --------------------
--------------------   --------------------   --------------------
--------------------   --------------------   --------------------

Whenever your activity result is in question, grab 4 coins, shake them and smash on desk.

To succeed, a number of heads must match or exceed the task difficulty:
      0        |    1    |  2   |   3    |     4     |  5   |  6
automatic fail | trivial | easy | medium | difficult | hard | epic

You may reshake a coin once per every level of used skill.
Always use the most suitable skill.

You can reshake more coins at a time when using suitable item during task:

coins shaken |    1    |          2         |  3   |   4
item quality | no item | improvised/rubbish | fine | great

You get 1 additional coin for every helping person.
Reshake it using helper’s skill level.

Sometimes, when failing the task, you may lose 1 health per every tails.

Remember. We work unnoticed, protecting the weak.

                                                      London, 1893

Author Comments

Sometimes a limitation leads to unconventional solutions. Helsing’s League accepts everyone who wants to live dangerous life during post-victorian era. Monsters are many and members of the league vanish too quickly. Help us to save the London!

PS: Hope you found an easter egg in the attribute list ;)

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