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MicroCrunch Universal RPG • 2017 rpg

David Johnston • no link

Needed: polyhedral dice, pencils, paper

One player is GameMaster who NARRATES WORLD.

Others make Characters and interact with narration:
 * Divide 5 points between attributes (0-3 each): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charm
 * Write down three skills. Assign vales: 1, 2, 3. (e.g.: pickpocket, laser, fireball)
 * Life Points = 3 + (strength * 2)
 * List possessions

When character’s actions might fail:
 * GameMaster rates task’s difficulty.
 * Player rolls die from table.
 * RR = Roll results
 * Bonuses = values of all relevant attributes and skills
 * Outcome = RR - Bonuses

 * Difficulty decides die. 
 * All parties roll. 
 * Outcome = RR - Bonuses
 * Low Result wins.

 * Armor/Defense = Difficulty Die
 * Attack Value (AV) = Strength (melee), or Dexterity (ranged), or Intelligence (occult)
 * Outcome = RR - Bonuses - AV
 * Subtract damage from life.
 * Life = zero: unconscious or dead
 * Rest to heal.

Difficulty        Armor/Defense    Die
Easy              Prone            d4
Harder            Unarmored        d6
Tricky            Light            d8
Trickier          Heavy            d10
Difficult                          d12
Very Difficult    Dragonhide       d20

1 - 3   Success
4+      Failure

Weapon       Damage
Light        1
Medium       2
Heavy        3 & up

 * Extra skill points and/or skills.

               Defense    AV     Damage     Life
Goblin         d6         0      1          1
Outlaw         d8         1      1          2
Robotron       d20        3      3          10

Author Comments

Hats off to all the amazing people out there who are designing such smart independent RPG systems. Your work is all of the inspiration for MicroCrunch Universal.

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