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Space Station Inhabitants • 2016 supplement

Arne Babenhauserheide •


                       SPACE STATION INHABITANTS

    For the [200 Word RPG Supplement Challenge 2016].

Start with the first table. Roll one die. On a 5, move one column to the
left. On a 6 move right. Never change direction or leave the table: Use
row 5/6 instead. Else select the row for the number you rolled.

Go to the next table. Start with the row for the last number you
rolled. Roll again. 5 moves up, 6 moves down, never turn around. The
number gives the column. The last column is special: It never applies to
the job rolled in the first table.


       | 5           direct    6          |
     3 | Beggar      Clerk     Prostitute |
     1 | Peon        Mechanic  Guard      |
     2 | Pirat       Trader    Smuggler   |
     4 | Thug        Docker    Medic      |
   6/5 | Journalist  -         Waiter     |

Keyword for portrayal

     | 3            1          2         4          | 5/6     |
   5 | Cigaretts    Pestering  Weary     Newspad    | Cold    |
   3 | Rags         Glasses    Sorrow    Scarf      | Blaster |
   1 | Frank        Dice       Toolbelt  Gregarious | Bold    |
   2 | Finger-Tent  Earring    Pipe      Fearful    | Naive   |
   4 | Bragging     Open       Crowbar   Notepad    | Snob    |
   6 | Pen          Notebook   Drink     Flirting   | Shy     |

Author Comments (if any)

Deepest Respect for making this challenge Open Access! It is wonderful to see good licensing practice to spread in Roleplaying Games! (though I would prefer sharealike licensing). And please use a fixed-width font when you use plain text entries :) (if you need a pdf, I can export that easily)

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