GM-less story game where we take turns playing the same character.
1. Separate card deck into Diamonds (RESULT) and Clubs (ACTION).
2. Shuffle decks separately. Place face down in two stacks.
3. Choose an adventure start:
“Opens the door into the depths…”
“Heads into enemy headquarters…”
“Enters the desolate space station…”
4. Go clockwise while cards remain:
a. Reveal Diamond card.
b. Look up RESULT cue.
c. Use cue to describe result of last action, in ONE sentence.
d. Reveal Club card.
e. Look up ACTION cue.
f. Use cue to describe next action, in ONE sentence.
5. When cards run out: next player describes the ending.
A -Key -Fall
2 -Blue -Discover
3 -Cloud -Fear
4 -Rough -Break
5 -Portal -Hurt
6 -Root -Test
7 -Energy -Hear
8 -Pain -Fly
9 -Arms -Pound
10 -Dark -Fire
J -Light -Cut
Q -Hook -Run
K -Ground -Face
SYNCHRONICITY: Reveal both cards before describing results.
POEM: Rhyme as a couplet, sestina, or in style of haiku.
CUSTOMIZE: Create your own adventure start or cues.
WORLD-BUILDING: Change character to: city, culture, planet...
EPIC: Do not limit player sentences.
(This replaces my prior submission April 4 of We Are Character…) Comments were as before, something like: “Thanks to all the inspiring gamers I’ve played with, including those at Strategicon, GoPlayNW, Girl Gamer Gathering, Big Bad Con, from Story Games Seattle / Olympia.”