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Only One Mosquito • 2019 rpg

D B Cliftonson • no link

A super-genius destroyed every mosquito. Except one. The sole mosquito is equal to the combined mass of all eradicated mosquitoes. It's gargantuan. 

In this game, a small team of historic Figures(players) will gather to defend a major city from the Bug, with narration from the GM. Use a d6. A 6 is a success. Actions in-line with character succeed on 5+, and especially hilarious or awesome actions succeed on a 4+. 1's are critical failures. To kill the bug, all players must succeed.
Pre-game: Each player announces the historic figure they wish to play. The players and GM will decide on a city. Lord Byron, Sam Adams, Jimi Hendrix in Shanghai? Awesome. 
Phase 1: In turn, in character, each player will describe why their Figure is in this town, and what they are currently doing. Subsequent rounds are encouraged for Figure integration. 
2: The Mosquito attacks, narrated by GM. The players describe how they survive
3: In turn, in character, each player announces a plan to kill the bug.
4: Test/Execution, narrated by GM, with a twist. Is the bug somehow immune to one plan? The super-genius arrives!? 
5: Plan adjustment(players) and final showdown (GM).  

Author Comments

Inspired by a favorite conversation topic that I’ve used for years to generate a good conversation to pass time. And a chance to explore and consider historic figures. Have fun!

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