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Menu Quest • 2019 rpg

Keith Garrett •

You're in a restaurant, with a menu and dice in front of you. Time for adventure!

One player is the gamemaster; the others create characters based on menu items.


Collectively choose a setting for your quest, inspired by the venue itself. Horror story with evil clowns? Wild animal encounters in the Outback? Fantasy adventure in the faerie cupcake kingdom?

~Character Creation~

Players: Choose a menu item to represent your character. Your action die is the one closest in value to (but not lower than) your item's price in dollars. (For items higher than $20, add the digits.) A lower die succeeds more often, but a higher die has a greater effect.

Use your menu item to also give your character a name and description.

Example: Reuben is Swiss with a rye sense of humor and a d10 action die.


GM: Choose some adversaries, each based on a menu item, with the price as their strength.

Now the group describes their journey, with the GM presenting adversaries. Each player attempts to defeat the adversary with their action die; an action is successful only if the highest number on the die comes up, reducing the adversary's strength by that number.

Author Comments

Work quickly during setup, or take a picture of the menu, before your server takes it away!

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