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The Stuff of Myths and Legends • 2019 rpg

Ana Dukakis •

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| | | TOOLS | | |
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- 2 people, 
- one D6,
- paper,
- pen.

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| | | PREMISE | | |
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You're reviving an unknown myth. 
Decide who will channel:

- A Greek Demigod
- Fate

You're recreating this demigod's prophecised last day. 
Will they succumb to Fate, or defy destiny?

Let's roll!

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| | | THE CHARACTERS | | |
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Starting with the demigod and alternating, decide (elaborating generously):

- What's the demigod's name?
- What are they the god of?
- What's their dream? To slay, avenge, wed, voyage?
- What omen follows them? A symbol, creature, sound, word?

Decide together if this is a story of drama, humour, or poignance.

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| | | THE PLAN | | |
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This is it: the prophecised day.

Demigod: write, briefly, the 6 steps to fulfil your dream.
Fate: secretly, choose a number between 1-6.

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| | | THE EXECUTION | | |
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Demigod: Describe how you attempt step one. How are you feeling? 
Now, roll a D6.

Fate: Is this your number?
>>If so, describe how the demigod dies here. What happens afterwards?

>>If it's one higher/lower (e.g. you chose 6, demigod rolled 1 or 5), describe the close shave. Does the omen feature?

>> Otherwise, announce "...And it was as the demigod hoped."

Repeat until all steps are complete or the demigod is felled. 
Either way, congratulations:  they're the stuff of myths and legends.

Author Comments

| | | ALTERNATE MODE | | | —- —– Soften the prophecy by disabling Fate for the demigod’s first 3 rolls.

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